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Mindfulness: Your Companion Through Menopause

Recent research by University College London (UCL), reported by the BBC, has brought some good news for women going through menopause - mindfulness can really help with the psychological and emotional side of menopause, which in turn helps to ease and manage many of the physical symptoms. As someone who guides women through mindfulness for menopause, I'm here to show you how this can make a real difference, whether you're going the natural route or you're also getting a bit of help from HRT.

Woman experience a hot flush
Learn how to handle hot flushes with mindfulness

What the Study Found

The UCL team looked into how talking about your feelings and practicing mindfulness can make a big difference in managing perimenopause and menopause symptoms. They found that women felt better in terms of mood and anxiety. This is great news because it shows there's more than one way to tackle these symptoms, especially for those who prefer to manage the menopause naturally.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists also recognises the effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing menopausal stress responses, offering relief from symptoms.

So mindfulness, what is it?

Mindfulness is all about living in the moment and noticing what's happening around you and within you, without rushing to judge it or resist it. When menopause brings a wave of hot flushes, mood changes or sleepless nights, mindfulness teaches us to recognise our stress responses, our emotional triggers and our resistance to situations and symptoms, which helps us to respond rather than react with calm and less stress. Mindfulness also teaches us the importance of listening to what we need - by observing our bodies and what is happening within them, noticing our thoughts, feelings and emotions. It teaches us to notice what we need and when we need it, giving ourselves some self-care, self-compassion and how to take some time out of our busy day to pay attention to ourselves.

Women smiling together
A nurturing community of like-minded women

How mindfulness helps;

  1. Calms stress and anxiety: simple practices like mindful breathing can calm your mind, making you feel less stressed and anxious

  2. Helps you manage your emotions: mindfulness helps you notice your feelings without getting overwhelmed by them, making mood swings easier to manage

  3. Improves sleep: many women find that mindfulness helps them sleep better and longer, which can be a big help during menopause

  4. Brings positive thinking: practicing mindfulness can help you see the brighter side of things, making the whole menopause experience a bit easier to take on.

Our Mindfulness for Menopause sessions

At Lisa Fellowes Mindfulness, I offer sessions tailored just for women going through perimenopause and menopause. Whether you're trying to manage symptoms naturally or you're using HRT and want extra support, my mindfulness sessions are for everyone. As an experienced Clinical Mindfulness Coach, I'll teach you all about mindfulness and menopause in a friendly and nurturing group setting, either in-person or by zoom, where you can share your experiences with other women just like you and explore how to best manage and ease some of the symptoms of this life stage. I also offer one-to-one coaching.

Why not give it a go?

The UCL study, shared by the BBC, and The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has shown that a bit of mindfulness can go a long way in making menopause more manageable. My mindfulness sessions for women are a safe space to learn how to handle the emotional ups and downs, whether you're doing it all naturally or with support alongside HRT. Mindfulness is for everyone, no matter your path through perimenopause and menopause.

Key dates:

Mindfulness for Menopause Day Retreat - 2nd March, 6th April, 1st June

Mindfulness for Menopause 6 Week Course starts on 14th March

For more information or to book, click here

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